Monday, November 15, 2010

Barcelona: October 21st- 24th 2010

I went to Barcelona with my friends Kristina and Whitney. We have 3 friends who are living in Barcelona who let us stay with them (John, Grant and Ryan). Also visting the same weekend were our other friends Tyler and Kyle. It was a tight squeeze but we managed to fit 8 kids into one apartment for the weekend. It was nuts. The second day we were there we started to explore the city. We went to
Castell de Montjuïc which has a beautiful view of the whole city.
On our way to the castle

Maddie, Whitney, Kristina

The next day we went to the coast and enjoyed the beach for part of the day. After that Whitney and I decided to explore the city to see the famous architecture by Antoni Gaudi. We first made a stop at the famous cathedral, Sagrada Familia, that is still being constructed even thought Gaudi has passed on.
Sagrada Familia

Next We made our way to Park Guell to take a look at more of Gaudi's work. This houses reminded me of gingerbread houses because of the colors and shapes used to construct them. Most of the art pieces he created were out of colorful tiles.

Mosaic Benches

Mosaic Walls

View of the Entrance

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