Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sweden: October 14th- 18th 2010

I landed at the Arlanda airport on thursday evening. Hasse, Sanna, Vaulter and Ture were waiting my arrival. We spent the night in Uppsala and had a traditional Swedish meal, pancakes and pea soup with mustard. The next day I took the train into Stockholm. I spent the day in the Old Town seeing the castle and enjoying the town. I also made it to another one of the islands in the archipelago to see the Vasa ship that was restored after it sunk in one of the harbors.
Stockholm City Hall
On the water!

The next day we went up to Sundsvall to see Busa and his family. I also got to meet Leif and his wife aswell. Busa, Julia and Nora (his daughters) later showed me around the city and I got a full city view of the town and the Baltic.
We went back to Busa and Vicci's house for a delicious meal of enchiladas with homemade guacamole. I loved being in a family enviornment, some good, family cooking. Later that night I went out with Julia and her boyfriend, Adam, to meet their friends and see some of the night life. It was hard to leave everyone after they were so welcoming towards me. It made me miss my family in Minnesota, but it was nice to know that I had family in Sweden also.
Lake behind the Sundsvall home.

After the 3 hour drive home we stopped in Uppsala to  freshen up before we headed back to Stockholm to have dinner with Per, Evelina and their three kids. I had some more swedish food that was incredible. We made it a short trip because it was Sunday and it had been a long weekend.
Outside Per and Evalena's house in Stockholm. Beautiful view!

My last day I spent looking around Uppsala near the university, the castle and the cathedral. It was a beautiful town and it was nice to see where Sanna and Hasse spend time.

Loved my weekend with the Swedes. They all made me feel so welcome and I hope they feel the same.

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